18-22 October 2006 - Cluj Napoca, Romania
WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships
On the youth world chamionships hosted by Cluj Napoca, Romania between 18-22 October, 811 competitors from 20 countries were taking part. Performance of the Hungarian team involving 50 athletes and 8 officials went far beyond expectations and our competitors own a long list of excellent results.
Kadett male team kumite: 3rd place (Számedli,Kondor , SZESE, Kovács , Óbuda)
Valter Szecsei (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Beáta Hervay (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Ferenc Vozár (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Kadett female team kata: 2nd place (Hervay, Tarjányi-Sugár, Giricz, VIRTUS),
Kadett male team kata: 1st place (Bodor, Bodor,Csongrádi, VIRTUS),
Dzsenifer Demeter (Baja): kata 4th place,
Vivien Szécsényi (Nihon): kumite 2nd place,
Regina Számedli (SZESE): kumite 2nd place,
Márton Holczer (Virtus): kumite 2nd place,
Milán Vajda (Virtus): kumite 3rd place,
Krisztián Somos (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Réka Mari (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Ádám Bodor (Virtus): kata 1st place,
Nándor Csongrádi (Virtus): kata 2nd place,
Szilvia Tarjányi-Sugár (Virtus): kata 1st place,
Nóra Németh (SZESE): kata 3rd place,
Beáta Hervay (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Dávid Fábrik (Botond Szeged): kumite 3rd place,
Anna Futaki (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Tamás Számedli (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Olimpia Raspotnyik (Virtus): kata 4th place, kumite 3rd place,
Enikő Bodnár (Csata): kumite 2nd place,
Katalin Kurucz (Csata): kata 2nd place.
