18-25 July 2005 - Szentes, Hungary
9th Natsugasshuku
Between 18-25 July 2005 we organised our 9th, long established international summer seminar in Szentes.
140 karatekas participated from four countries, out of that 56 black belts. At the end of the Gasshuku, as always the dan examinations of the Hungarian Wado-Ryu Karate Organisation and IWKU took place with the following gradings:
Gábor Rostás(Csata)
István Árva (Zsaru SE),
Dr. Judit Kresz (Csata),
Zoltán Sibelka (Csata)
Dániel Berkes (SZESE),
Róbert Borsi (Botond SE Szeged),
Zsuzsanna Czinkóczki (Csata),
Tamás Dobozi (Szentmártonkáta),
Roland Eckhart (St. Pölten Union),
Hajnalka Gilián (Bátaszék),
Boglárka Kádár (SZESE),
Mrs.Szabó, Dr. Orsolya Kádár (SZESE),
György Kovács (Virtus SE),
Attila Szilágyi (Nihon SE),
Bálint Takács (SZESE),
István Varga (SZESE
